CS6 | HR Experts Go Head-to-Head with ChatGPT: Key Takeaways

  • Room: Case Study Theater
  • Session Number: CS6
Wednesday, October 11, 2023: 12:45 PM - 1:15 PM


Susan Anderson
Chief Services Officer


What if we told you we wanted to see if we could hack HR expertise using Generative AI? We did, and here’s what we learned. 

With an average of 18 years of experience, Mineral's nationwide team of HR and compliance experts resolve nearly 250,000 unique HR issues each year for our 1 million-plus clients. If any company can stand to benefit from AI’s assistance with answering HR questions, we can. That’s why we conducted an experiment to see how ChatGPT would fare answering our clients’ most common HR questions. 

No surprise, ChatGPT isn’t ready to replace skilled HR practitioners today. But we did find some areas where it could be useful. Perhaps the most surprising thing we learned from our experiment is what it takes to transform employee perceptions of Generative AI from a threat to an asset. 


Learning Objectives

- HR is nuanced and asking ChatGPT the wrong question is risky. What can you trust ChatGPT with when it comes to HR and compliance? Learn about its limitations, potential, and why emotional intelligence will remain a competitive advantage.
- Interested in seeing how your HR team could benefit from its own experiments with Generative AI? We’ll share our process, including a rubric for grading responses you can adapt for your needs.
- AI won’t displace HR experts. But it will displace HR experts who don’t use AI. Whether you’re experimenting or ready to invest in tools, learn why the cultural journey is essential to organizational success.

  • Case Study