GT4 | Global Growth Technology: Unlock the Power of the Everywhere Workforce

  • Room: Oceanside F
  • Session Number: GT4
Wednesday, October 11, 2023: 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM


Richa Gupta
Chief Human Resource Officer
Nat (Rajesh) Natarajan
Chief Product and Strategy Officer
Katerina Rodriguez
Director, Future of Work Strategy
Berea Schaffer
VP, Connected Experiences


Today’s business is borderless. If you aren’t thinking about how to reimagine your workforce technology and strategies to keep up with the demands of the everywhere workforce, you will be left behind. This session explores the promise of a new category - global growth technology - designed to disrupt traditional global hiring models and provide everything a business needs to build and manage global teams. Business leaders including chief product and strategy officer of G-P, Nat (Rajesh) Natarajan and chief human resource officer of G-P, Richa Gupta, will discuss how the latest in SaaS and AI technology come together with a global mindset to unlock greater market opportunity and competitive advantage.

Learning Objectives

- Discover new solutions that map to your growth plans and optimize HR technology investments to build global teams more compliantly and efficiently.
- Learn how to define your organization’s global maturity and identify resources needed to unlock the power of global teams. Get actionable insights from peers navigating expansion strategies to model your global growth strategy.
- Get the latest research on global work trends and perceptions from employers and talent and learn how to better navigate globalization opportunities and challenges to drive success within your workforce.

  • Breakout Session