WIT1 | It’s Not About the Money: Building a Culture of Fairness With Pay Equity

  • Room: Oceanside B
  • Session Number: WIT1
Tuesday, October 10, 2023: 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM


Heather Bussing
Employment Attorney, Writer, HR Tech Analyst, Law Professor
Bussing Law, HR Examiner


Pay equity is about more than money; it's about treating people fairly. Pay equity is also a great place to see how your organization's culture is reflected in compensation. What you pay people reflects what—and who—the organization values.

New laws on pay transparency are also giving potential and current employees a window into those values. Do you know what you are revealing?

We'll cover:

Why pay equity is an essential part of culture.
How pay transparency can make a positive difference in your culture and promote trust.
New tools make seeing pay issues easy.
What to look for in Pay Equity Assessment tools.
Approaches to dealing with pay gaps.
How pay equity can be the foundation of a culture of fairness.

  • Women in Tech Breakout Session