The agenda is updated on a regular basis, so check back for updates.
We hope to see you in May!
Free Pass (free to attend)
- Opening and Closing Keynotes
- Show Floor which includes:-
- 100 HR Tech Solution Providers on the show floor
- Ask the Experts
- Tech Talks Theatre
- ChatHRT feature (Coming Soon!)
- Does NOT include access to the HR Tech Conference agenda
2-Day Conference Pass/or 1-Day Conference Pass (paid to attend)
- Full benefits of the free pass
- Access to the full HR Tech Conference agenda, 40+ sessions of industry-leading content & knowledge sharing
Questions? Please contact
ZKTeco WFM is a global time clock solution provider, delivers superior quality hardware, embedded device software, and a suite of software development tools and services that enable both industry partners and Workday Time Tracking customers to maximize the ROI in their workforce data collection systems.
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